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Pastor Tegene Legesse

Pastor Tegene Legesse was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

In the year 1982 he came to know the Lord as his own savior and became a born-again Christian, in Geja Kalehiwot Church in Addis Ababa. He started serving the Lord joining the Geja Kalehiwot A choir and was actively participating in youth group, house to house prayer and Bible studying groups. He has served and ministered in many rural areas of Ethiopia before he became a full time Evangelist in 1994 and overseeing one of the branch Churches of Geja Kalehiwot, in northern zone of Addis Ababa. In 1997, he joined the Great Commission Ministry under Campus Crusade in Ethiopia, preaching the Gospel and reaching out to the rural places in different provinces of Ethiopia.

In the year 2001 he made Aliya with entire family and moved to Israel. Two years after he has moved to Israel, he joined the Amharic speaking congregation in the Land and served the Lord, by teaching the Word and following up new believer’s and teaching basics of the foundations of Faith in Yeshua, until 2009. Due to many different challenges in the Land to provide and support his family, he withdrew from serving the Lord in the year 2010 and fully engaged in secular job working until 2018. In all these eight years, though he provided and supported his family, the call from the Lord hasn’t been perished and was always looking and waiting on the Lord to bring opportunities to serve and engaged in the Kingdoms service once again. In the mid 2018 he totally quit working and joined the House of Generation Renewal Congregation in Israel as a fulltime servant. In 2021 he is ordained as Pastor in the House of Generation Renewal Congregation.

Pastor Tegene Legesse is now serving as a Pastor in the House of Generation Renewal congregation in Israel, actively engaged in all the activities of the congregation, in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem including the newly planted World Wide Congregations in several countries around the globe, namely Roma-Italy, Paris-France, Gondor-Ethiopia, Far & Middle East areas, all based in Israel. Since the establishment of the Moriah Bible School in 2020, Pastor Tegene Legesse is also serving as an assistant administrator in the School.

Pastor Tegene got married in the year 1993. Currently, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife Tsehai Yonatan. The Lord has blessed them with four children, two daughters and two sons.


“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”

Real Story Cross Journey from House Of Generation Worldwide.