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Pastor Nega Baye


Pastor Nega Baye was born and raised in Gondar, Ethiopia.

In 2004, he came to know the Lord as his Savior and became a born-again Christian at the Mekane Eyesus Church in Gondar.

He began his ministry by joining the church’s choir team, the main prayer group, and actively participating in the youth group and Bible study group. He continued serving and ministering in the church until he made Aliyah to Israel in September 2007.

One year after moving to Israel, Pastor Nega joined the Amharic-speaking congregation and served the Lord by teaching the Word of God, leading worship services, teaching and mentoring new believers in the foundations of faith in Yeshua.

In 2017, he was ordained as a Pastor.

Pastor Nega now serves as a pastor in the House of Generation Renewal Congregation Worldwide in Israel. He is actively engaged in all congregational activities in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and newly planted congregations in several countries around the globe, including Rome, Italy; Paris, France; Gondar, Ethiopia; and areas in the Far and Middle East areas—all based in Israel.

Pastor Nega has been married to Genet Asfaw for 15 years. They currently live in Ashdod, Israel, with their three children that the Lord had blessed them with—two daughters and one son.