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Moriah Bible School (MBS) is a church-based bible school in Israel, established by House of Generation Renewal Congregation, where Pastor Tsebaot Engida serves as a founding pastor. Pastor Engida has a vision to equip ministers to grow and become a living temple for the service of the living God.

MBS offer a systematic, spiritual, scholarly study of a range of biblical subjects in collaboration with Berea Bible College located in Ethiopia. Our program is designed to contribute to your spiritual maturity, effective leadership, deeper worship, and a career in church ministry, and the classes are offered virtually via Zoom©.

Since it was founded, more than 60 students from Israel and various parts of the world are participating  in our program and we are getting ready for the second-round enrollment:

  • Certificate (Diploma) in Amharic
  •  Degree in Amharic
  •  Masters in English