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Founder Pastor

Pastor Tsebaot E. Meshesha

Pastor Tsebaot Engida Meshesha was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In 1995, his life was dramatically transformed when he gave his life to Jesus Christ after hearing evangelist Billy Graham preach. Since then, he has dedicated years to serving as a pastor, evangelist, worship leader, and teacher in several remote areas and cities throughout Ethiopia before moving to Israel in 2013.

Before Pastor Tsebaot came to Israel, God placed a vision of church planting and serving the generation in his heart. He shared this vision with Brother Abraham Dawit in 2012 while still in Ethiopia. Brother Abraham, along with a few Bible study members, dedicated themselves to the work and began praying together. The House of Generation Renewal Congregation in Israel began in 2013 in a home in Nurith, located in the mountainous region of the state of Judah in Israel.

After moving to Israel, Pastor Tsebaot continued teaching and equipping a group of believers in Jerusalem. Simultaneously, his wife, Mrs. Aynalem Baykedagne, was teaching young men and women who were Israeli soldiers and whose hearts were stirred by the vision. In May 2015, he planted the first congregation, House of Generation Renewal Congregation, in Tel Aviv, Israel, followed by a second congregation in Jerusalem. Since then, he has planted several congregations and is the founding pastor and leader of the House of Generation Renewal Congregation Worldwide, with locations in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel; Rome, Italy; Paris, France; Gondar, Ethiopia; and Virginia, USA. Additionally, he serves as an overseer for Brussels Emmanuel Church in Brussels, Belgium. Pastor Tsebaot has a vision to plant additional congregations in Israel, Europe, and Ethiopia.

The Lord has placed the next generation on his heart, regardless of age, for the maturing of the Body of Christ. He is also the founder of Moriah Bible College. In 2020, Pastor Tsebaot established Moriah Bible School in Israel. The school offers a systematic, spiritual, and scholarly study of a range of biblical subjects designed to equip Christians to grow and mature in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and impact the world for Christ.

Pastor Tsebaot resides in Tel Aviv, Israel, with his wife, Aynalem Baykedan, and their daughter, Eliana Meshesha.



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