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About Us

JOIN House Of Generation Worldwide

Welcome To House Of Generation Worldwide, We exist to point people to Jesus, and inspire them to live the way Christ lived.​

The House of Generation Renewal Congregation Israel started in a house in Nurith in the mountainous region of the state of Judah in Israel.

After God put the vision of church planting and serving the generation in Pastor Tsebaot’s heart in 2013, he, Brother Abraham Dawit, and a few bible study members gave themselves to the work and began praying together. He also started giving training and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. At the same time, Mrs. Aynalem Baykedagne, Pastor Tsebaot’s wife, was also teaching young women and men who were Israel’s soldiers, whose hearts were stirred by the vision. After continuing in prayer for about two years, the church was officially established in May 2015.

Currently, our church is located in two cities in Israel: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Outside of Israel, our church is located in multiple countries worldwide including Gondar-Ethiopia; Rome-Italy; Paris-France; and Virginia- the United States. We will continue to plant churches in different parts of the world and do the work of the gospel.

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”

Our Sermons

Join us every Shabbat for a transformative experience, and let the word of God guide you on your spiritual journey.

Our Ministries

Our ministries are dedicated to nurturing the spiritual growth and well-being of our congregation and the wider community.

Our Events

We are thrilled to share our upcoming events that aim to foster community, faith, and spiritual growth.



1.The divine inspiration, infallibility and authority of the Bible which is the unique, full and final authority on all matters of faith.

2.The unity of the Godhead in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3.The deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His real and perfect manhood. In His death for sinners on the cross, His literal and bodily resurrection, His ascension into heaven, His present exaltation and intercession in heaven on behalf of people.

4.we believe Holy angels are creatures created for the glory of God and they are not worthy of worship as they are given power and authority from God. We believe they are servants of God.

5.we believe before Satan and his angels became evil, they were part of the holy angels. They fell because of their rebellion and became the enemies of God and His kingdom. We also believe that they have been defeated by Christ’s work on the cross and have no authority over those who believe.

6.we believe the whole of man, that is, spirit, soul, and body, was created by God. Man was created pure and upright (good), but he transgressed (rebelled) by his own will, and for this reason, he has fallen.

7.Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, resulting in the changing work of the Holy Spirit in New Birth. Our new life is then motivated by love.

8.Baptism by immersion in water, an outward physical act representing an inward spiritual change. Not essential for salvation, but obedience to the scriptures.

9.The baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues and magnifying God.

10.The operation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit enables.

11.Deliverance from any sickness power the name of Jesus and by the power of Holy Spirit divine healing as given by God’s grace.

12.Regular attendance at the Breaking of Bread, or Communion, to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary in which our love is expressed in obedience to His command.

13.Holiness of life and conduct for service in obedience to the command of God attained by believers as they submit to the Holy Spirit in preparation for Christ’s return.

14.The personal (Physical) return of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the blessed hope of all believers. The resurrection of the body, the judgement of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ with eternal blessedness for the righteous, and the eternal punishment in hell for those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their only means of salvation.

15.We believe that Israel is distinct from the Church, and that God’s promises to the Jews will be fulfilled at the appointed time, and that all Israel will be saved.

16.The necessity to nurture my relationship with Christ by conscientious attention to the study of scriptures, by prayer and worship both privately and wherever possible in fellowship with others.

17.The support of the local church in attendance, action and finance.

18.The Biblical pattern for the plurality of Godly leadership appointed by God and submissive to one another in response to the Biblical pattern of leadership, members of the body are taught in scripture to respect and support their leaders, submitting to them in obedience, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account to God. Eph. 4:11-16; Heb. 13:17.

19.Conditions for membership are as set down in scripture and the constitution of the church. Teaching may from time to time be given on the Statement of Faith.

“To prepare and present a generation that walks in kingdom mind and be an honorable vessel for the Lord.”

“በእግዚአብሔር መንግሥት አስተሳሰብ የሚራመድ የክብር ዕቃ የሆነ ትውልድን ማዘጋጀትና ለጌታ ማቅረብ “

House Of Generation Worldwide Church is a thriving community of Christ-followers. We are committed to teaching and living the Truth found in the Bible as we worship, pray, share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, care for one another and serve our community, nation and world. 

የትውልድ ቤት ተሓድሶአዊት ዓለም አቀፍ ቤተ ክርስቲያን የክርስቶስ ተከታዮች ማህበረሰብ ናት። እኛ በአምልኮ፣ በመጸለይ ፣ የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስን ወንጌል ለማካፈል ፣ እርስ በርሳችን ለመንከባከብ እና ማህበረሰባችንን ለማገልገል በመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ውስጥ የሚገኘውን እውነት ለማስተማር እና ለመኖር ያለን ቤተ ክርስትያን ነን።